10 Things To Get Excited About In 2024
1) Elevate Workshop Series - NJDA is bringing dental practices, thought leaders, and experts together to address the timeliest practice managements topics in a series of monthly online workshops. Available to dentists and as many of their office staff as they'd like, these workshops give dentists and their teams the knowledge to take their practice to the next level!
2) DEA MATE Act Series - Here's an easy way for dentists with DEA registrations to fulfill the new training requirements from the passing of the MATE Act. All dentists with schedule II, III, IV, and V DEA permits now need to complete eight hours of opioid training before their next DEA renewal. Enroll in this series and you'll check off the eight hours through quarterly hybrid courses (you choose in person at NJDA Headquarters or virtual!)
3) Lunch Sessions - Here's an easy and affordable way you can take care of your team! NJDA's Lunch Sessions, a series of online courses exclusively for the staff of member dentists, is returning for its third year - but now it's 100% free! Get your licensed staff their state-mandated CE for free and you'll look like a hero! Registration will be announced in January.
4) InFocus - Four times in 2024, NJDA will focus in on a trending practice management topic and spread the word to NJDA members via NJDA InFocus, a new print resource for dental practices. NJDA imagines these booklets being shared among dentists and employees before they land on the Office Manager's desk for quick reference. Look for issue #1 in February!
5) Mandelbaum Barrett Attorneys at Law - NJDA is thrilled to enter our first full year with Mandelbaum Barrett Attorney’s at Law. This relationship entitles every NJDA member to a free 30-40 minute legal consultation each year about a wide range of legal topics including State Board Matters, Regulatory issues, Malpractice, Corporate/Business Transactions, Employment Law and more. Help is there when you need it!
6) Annual Session - We are so excited to return to the Jersey Shore for this year's conference titled "Advancing the Health of the Practice and Provider." The day-long event will feature one of "The Top 10 Young Educators in Dentistry” (according to the Seattle Study Club), Dr. Kyle Stanley. Be there in person to learn how clinical topics, technology, and wellness can come together for practice profitability!
7) Business of Dentistry Ownership Series - This popular, multi-week online series, is designed for dentists who are thinking about buying a practice, dentists who recently became owners, and even longtime owners who are looking to stay current. The series will begin in April, so watch for registration info this winter.
8) NJDA PERKS- The NJDA PERKS program is only a year old but now includes more than 20 companies that provide exclusive discounts for NJDA members.
9) 3rd Party Payer Concierge - Dedicated insurance support, assistance with coding questions, and review of provider contracts are available to every single NJDA member. Put the Concierge to work for your practice!
10) My Career, My Community - We're heading back to Rutger's School of Dental Medicine with another slate of Lunch & Learns, Happy Hours, and surprises! The 2024 schedule will kick off in January!