Dr. Elisa Velazquez
Dr. Amit Vora

Dr. Antoinette Tauk
Vice President
Dr. Andrew Dietz

Dr. Maria Ambrosio

Dr. Ed Tirpack
Speaker of the House
Dr. Renee Arace
Immediate Past President

Dr. Harvey Nisselson

Dr. Robert Tarby
Atlantic-Cape May

Dr. M. George Ayad

Dr. Michelle Weddle
Dr. George Athansios
Dr. Ivette Dauhajre
Dr. Janhavi Rane

Dr. Devang Modi

Dr. Jocelyn Jeffries-Bruno

Dr. Pinky Bhavsar

Dr. Lisa Gallucci
Dr. Scott Ruvo

Dr. Brett Handsman

Zain Ahmed

Annual Session
Akriti Gupta, DMD
The council is responsible for the overall coordination of the program of events for the NJDA Annual Session. It recommends programs of events to the NJDA Board of Trustees and supervises the arrangements for the NJDA Annual Session.
Dental Benefits Programs
Kimberly Goldenbaum, DMD
The Council formulates, studies, and recommends policies relating to the planning, administration and financing of dental benefits programs in New Jersey.
Janhavi Rane, DDS
The Council conducts studies of membership issues and formulates programs to maintaining and increasing the membership.
Renee Arace, DMD
This council meets annually in January to recommend members to fill officer positions.
Governmental & Public Affairs
Mark Vitale, DMD
The Council protects and furthers the interests of the public and the dental profession in matters of legislation and regulation. It makes recommendations to the NJDA Board of Trustees on matters of legislation and regulation.
Peer Review
John Fahsbender, DMD
The council manages and administers the process of Peer Review by upholding the highest standards of professional care and conduct as established by the ADA Principles of Ethics and the NJDA Code of Ethics.
Stephen Lashen, DDS, The council manages and administers the process of providing relief to members who are in financial need due to a catastrophic event.
Peter DeSciscio, DMD
The council considers proposals for amending the NJDA Code of Ethics, and provides advisory opinions regarding the interpretation of the NJDA Code of Ethics, Constitution and Bylaws.
Finance & Investments
This committee conducts annual reviews of preliminary estimates of income, expenditures and additions to reserve. It also examines annual budget requests with a view of making specific recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
Rules and Order
Elisa Velazquez, DMD
This committee recommends rules for governing the organization and procedures of the Board of Trustees, and the rules to nominate chair and members to committees of the Board of Trustees.
Employee Benefits
Antoinette Tauk, DDS
This committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding healthcare and other benefits received by NJDA staff.
Management Succession
Elisa Velazquez, DMD
Strategic Planning
Amit Vora, DDS
This committee develops strategic plans of the New Jersey Dental Association.
NJ Disaster Victim Identification Team
Jacqueline Reid, DMD
This committee develops and routinely reviews criteria for membership on the NJ Disaster Victim Identification Team. It liases with state officials regarding involvement in Mass Disaster Emergency Response as well as developing and implementing training programs for team members.
New Dentists
Justin Dinowitz, DMD
This committee develops and implements membership recruitment and retention strategies targeted at New Jersey Licensed practitioners out of dental school less than 10 years.
Continuing Education
Paul Lawyer, DMD
The Council investigates studies and makes recommendations on all matters relating to dental education and dental health education. It acts as the liaison of the Association with all dental schools and schools in related fields of dental education.
Non Dues Revenue
Andrew Dietz, DDS, Chair
Reviews current endorsed programs every five years for renewal, and meets with prospective endorsed companies to make recommendations to the Board for endorsement.
NJ Dental Political Action Committee
Mark Vitale, DMD
NJDPAC is the political action committee for dentists in the state of New Jersey. It helps to raise funds to support those who support oral health and the dental profession.