What is Give Kids A Smile?
Through the ADA Foundation's Give Kids A Smile program, launched nationally by the American Dental Association in 2003, more than 5 million undeserved children have received free oral health services. These free services are provided by approximately 10,000 dentists annually, along with 30,000 other dental team members.
Each year, here in NJ, more than 100 dental practices and clinics participate in this one-day event. In 2023, we expanded the Give Kids A Smile program and celebrated all February long.
Give Kids A Smile began in 2002 in St. Louis, Missouri. Each year Give Kids A Smile day is celebrated nationally on the first Friday in February. GKAS events are intended to be touch points for children who do not receive dental care, for whatever reason. The ultimate goal for a GKAS program should be to establish a dental home for these children - in other words, provide continuity of care.
For more donated dental services, please visit our Dental Clinics & Programs page.