New Jersey Dental Foundation 

The New Jersey Dental Foundation (NJDF) has been established as a non-profit organization affiliated with the New Jersey Dental Association (NJDA) with the primary objective of educating the public about oral health issues; increasing access to dental care services for the public; providing educational scholarships, fellowships, and research grants to advance oral health; conducting oral health research; and supporting other charitable or educational projects relating to the oral health of the public. 

Mission Statement: The New Jersey Dental Foundation is established to improve and advance the oral health of all New Jerseyans and enhance the dental profession in New Jersey.


Board of Directors: A board of directors comprising individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise will be established to oversee the Foundation's activities and ensure alignment with its mission. The board will be responsible for strategic decision-making, financial oversight, and governance.

The NJ Dental Foundation is currently seeking Board Members. Please CLICK HERE to view the application.  

Officers: The board will elect officers including a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director of the NJDA will serve as an ex-officio voting officer. These officers will have specific responsibilities outlined in the Foundation's proposed bylaws.

Committees:  The board of directors shall establish such committees as it sees fit to execute the objectives of the board and the mission of the Foundation.


Organizational Structure: The New Jersey Dental Foundation is structured in accordance with state and federal regulations governing non-profit organizations, including obtaining tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Staffing: Initially, the Foundation will operate with a lean staff, with key roles such as Executive Director being identified as the Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director of the NJDA. As the Foundation grows, additional staffing needs will be evaluated and determined in alignment with its mission and funding ability.

Programs and Activities

The New Jersey Dental Foundation intends to establish educational campaigns and programs to bring awareness to the importance of good oral health; promote the connection between oral and systemic health; advocate for good oral health policies to improve oral health literacy and outcomes; promote oral health careers; and to do things necessary and appropriate to improve the oral health of all New Jerseyans. The Foundation will provide philanthropic opportunities for New Jersey Dental Association members, and other interested parties, who are committed to advancing oral health in this state.

Financial Plan

Funding Sources: The New Jersey Dental Foundation will seek funding from various sources including individual donations, corporate sponsorships, grants, and fundraising events, and the New Jersey Dental Association.

A detailed budget outlining projected expenses and revenue sources for the first year of operation will be developed once the Foundation is incorporated and the NJDF Board of Directors is seated. This budget will be reviewed and approved annually by the board of directors.

Financial Policies: The Foundation will adhere to strict financial policies and procedures to ensure transparency, accountability, and compliance with regulatory requirements.