The Substance Using Patient in Dental Practice

CEUs: 2

Course Description:
This program is designed to provide dentists with current information on commonly used and abused substances and their impact on patient well-being and on safe dental treatment. The course addresses identification of substance using patients and appropriate treatment planning including modifications of routine care. In addition, recommendations will be made for patients enrolled in medication-assisted rehabilitation programs and guidelines will be provided relative to management of substance using patients. Post-operative pain control strategies and the recognition and management of emergencies will be discussed.

Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to:
  • Identify patients who should be referred for oral health services in the hospital setting.
  • Discuss modifications of treatment protocols for users of benzodiazepines, opioids and alcohol.
  • Describe considerations taken for individuals presenting for dental treatment while using cocaine, amphetamines and related substances.
  • List three potential issues of concern for the chronic cannabinoid user who presents for a dental procedure under local anesthesia.
  • Discuss any additional concerns related to the use of various forms of anesthesia for these patients.

Hillel Ephros, MD, DMD

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