NJDAA Annual Session & 90th Anniversary of ADAA
Location: NJDA Headquarters
Address: One Dental Plaza, North Brunswick, NJ
NJ Dental Assistants Association Invites You to Join Us
3.5 CE Credits
Annual Session is a time for dynamic education, collaboration with our peers, professional development, and a time to bring on the next year's officers and end the current year.
The Continuing Education Topics include:
9:00-9:30am- Check-in/Continental Breakfast
9:30-11:00am- Get Compliance All Locked Up- Presented by Kay Hickey, LDA
11:00-12:00pm- Table Clinics
12:00-12:45pm- Lunch
1:00-2:00pm- Human Trafficking- Presented by Karin Kopitskie & Roseann Cervelli
2:30-3:00pm- Business Meeting
3:00-4:00pm- Anniversary Celebration
3.5 CE Credits
Annual Session is a time for dynamic education, collaboration with our peers, professional development, and a time to bring on the next year's officers and end the current year.
The Continuing Education Topics include:
9:00-9:30am- Check-in/Continental Breakfast
9:30-11:00am- Get Compliance All Locked Up- Presented by Kay Hickey, LDA
11:00-12:00pm- Table Clinics
12:00-12:45pm- Lunch
1:00-2:00pm- Human Trafficking- Presented by Karin Kopitskie & Roseann Cervelli
2:30-3:00pm- Business Meeting
3:00-4:00pm- Anniversary Celebration
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