2025 New Jersey Dental Association Annual Convention



Course Catalog


Licensure Requirement Series Bundle Includes the following mandated courses:

- F103: Dental Practice Ownership: Navigating Employment and Regulatory Legalities
F102: Pharmacology & Internal Medicine
- F105: Infection Control Update for Medicine and Dentistry
- F104: New Jersey Mandate: One Hour on Prescription Opioid Drugs

Bundle Pricing
ADA Member Dentist- $255
Non Member Dentist- $475
Hygienists & Assistants- $155
Residents- $175
Students- $95

Dennis Alessi- Annual Convention

Dennis Alessi

F103 - Dental Practice Ownership: Navigating Employment and Regulatory Legalities

CEUs: 1

Course Description: This course is designed for dental professionals looking to deepen their understanding of the legal aspects of running a dental practice. The course will provide insights on navigating employment law issues, avoiding regulatory pitfalls, and managing risk in dental practice ownership.

Course Objectives: 
1. Understand key employment laws affecting dental practices.
2. Ensure compliance with HIPAA, OSHA, and other relevant regulations.
3. Learn risk management techniques to reduce legal exposure.
4. Explore common legal challenges in managing staff and patient relations.

Speaker: Dennis Alessi, Esq

Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Residents, Students

ADA Member Dentist- $55 
Non Member Dentist- $95
Hygienists & Assistants- $35
Residents- $35
Students- $25

Date & Time: Friday, May 16 | 1:00pm - 2:00pm

AGD Code: 550



Vine Divider



Hillel Ephros- Annual Convention

Hillel Ephros

F102 - Pharmacology and Internal Medicine

CEUs: 3

Course Description: This is a case-based program designed to satisfy NJ licensure requirements for three hours devoted to pharmacology and internal medicine. Illustrated in case presentations, the program will address: patient evaluation and risk stratification through H&P; brief reviews of major disease processes, dental management of those affected; brief reviews of pharmacology of local anesthetics and selected anxiolytics; critical drug interactions in dental practice; antibiotic prophylaxis and evidence-based use of antimicrobials; prescription writing, use of the PMP and opioid-sparing analgesia.

Course Objectives: At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:
1. Discuss medications commonly administered and prescribed in dental practice and their appropriate use
2. Conduct an H&P appropriate for a dental setting and describe its use in risk stratification and treatment planning
3. Identify management strategies for post-operative analgesia that limit or eliminate a reliance on opioids
4. Effectively utilize the NJPMP when indicated, as part of a competent prescription writing protocol

Speaker: Hillel Ephros, DMD, MD

Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Residents, Students

ADA Member Dentist- $150
Non Member Dentist- $225
Hygienists & Assistants- $75
Residents- $75
Students- $45

Date & Time: Friday, May 16 | 8:30am - 11:30am

AGD Code: 010



Vine Divider



Mitchell Gardiner- Annual Convention

Mitchell Gardiner

S112 - The Periodontal Ligament Injection: The How and Why-Say Goodbye to the Mandibular Block for Most Restorative Care

CEUs: 3

Course Description: Learn how to give a periodontal ligament injection for most mandibular restorative care and take the inferior alveolar nerve block out of the equation on a daily basis. This technique has the potential to transform dental practices that rely on the mandibular block for anesthesia. It will revolutionize how you approach restorative dentistry. You will gain all the necessary basics to immediately implement a different type of anesthesia in your practice.

Course Objectives: 
1. Learn the basic anatomy of the periodontal ligament and understand why the injection is so effective for local anesthesia.
2. Learn the basic armamentarium and anesthesia necessary to give an effective PDL injection.
3. Learn how to give an effective PDL injection quickly.
4. Learn the substantial advantages of using the PDL injection.
5. Learn what your patients are really saying about receiving local anesthesia in the mouth.

Speaker: Mitchell Gardiner, DMD

Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Residents, Students

ADA Member Dentist- $155
Non Member Dentist- $325
Hygienists & Assistants$75
Residents- $75
Students- $45

Date & Time: Saturday, May 17 | 1:30pm - 4:30pm

AGD Code: 340



Vine Divider



Eileen Hoskin- Annual Convention
Donald Lapine- Annual Convention

Eileen Hoskin & Donald Lapine

F310 - Dental School Curriculum 2025- What’s Changed Since Your Graduation

CEUs: 1

Course Description: In the Restorative Department at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, changes occur yearly in the curriculum to ensure an evidence-based education and an emphasis on lifelong learning. Implants and porcelain veneers might be the first topics to come to mind. Indeed, students are taught techniques for esthetic and functional implant and porcelain veneer restorations. What is novel to the curriculum of 2025 is an emphasis on the prevention of the disease of caries, a more minimally invasive standard for what needs surgical intervention. Lastly, when it is determined that surgical intervention is required, caries removal is performed with deliberate care to avoid exposing the vital symptomless pulp. This update will be reported in detail.

Course Objectives: By the completion of this lecture, the dentist should:
1. Be aware of the ADA guidelines for thresholds for surgical interventions using bitewing radiographs and clinical exams.
2. Be able to perform a personalized caries risk assessment and educate the patient on methods to lower this risk.
3. Have knowledge of Selective caries removal with the intention of applying this in practice.

Speakers: Eileen Hoskin, DMD & Donald Lapine, DMD, FAGD, FACD, FICD

Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Residents, Students

ADA Member Dentist- $55
Non Member Dentist- $95
Hygienists & Assistants- $35
Residents- $35
Students- $25

Date & Time: Friday, May 16 | 3:30pm - 4:30pm

AGD Code: 250



Vine Divider



Glenn Maron- Annual Convention

Glenn Maron

F206 - Medical Update for Dentistry

CEUs: 2

Course Description: We are all having to deal with an ever expanding array of patients with medical issues as we see the population aging. Just when we think we understand things , they change the rules on us. BRONJ is Now MRONJ, Total joint replacement patients no longer need premedication. Patients on Coumadin and other blood thinners do not always need to stop their medications prior to dental treatment.

Course Objectives:

1. Attending this lecture will help your team feel more comfortable with older patients.
2. Improved understanding of current AHA and ADA recommendations.
3. Enhanced recognition of complex comorbities.
4. Knowledge of appropriate protocols for patients on blood thinners/ anti coagulation medications.

Speaker: Glenn Maron, DDS, FACS

Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Residents, Students

ADA Member Dentist- $95
Non Member Dentist- $175
Hygienists & Assistants- $55
Residents- $55
Students- $35

Date & Time: Friday, May 16 | 9:30am - 11:30am

AGD Code: 730

F309 - Oral Surgery for the General Dentist- 30 Years of Pearls and Pitfalls

CEUs: 2

Course Description: This is a comprehensive course is for dentists of all skill levels. We cover better local anesthesia, superior modern forceps and instruments, atraumatic techniques, luxating elevators, case selection, medical concerns, and much more. This course helps you to avoid trouble with patients and procedures, and become a better dental clinician. It will provide you with a list of tools and techniques to use to perform more predictable, faster, less invasive, painless, efficient, and profitable dental extractions in your practice.

Course Objectives: 

1. Review new materials and procedures for performing extractions.
2. Current trends in site preservation.
3. Suturing techniques and biopsy options and goals.

Speaker: Glenn Maron, DDS, FACS

Audience: Dentists and Residents

ADA Member Dentist- $95
Non Member Dentist- $175
Residents- $55

Date & Time: Friday, May 16 | 1:00pm - 3:00pm

AGD Code: 310

F105 - Infection Control Update for Medicine and Dentistry

CEUs: 2

Course Description: Infection control in dentistry is an ever-growing concern. So much so, that many States have started requiring CE for license renewals. Dental patients are high-risk relative to their potential to transmit as well as acquire an infectious disease. An equal worry has been exhibited for cross-contamination and disease transmission from patient to patient. Contaminated water lines, antibiotic resistant bacteria and complex infections are major issues in our practice today. Appropriate antibiotics stewardship is the hallmark for appropriate care for our patients.

Course Objectives:
1. Understand that Infections could be transmitted in the dental operatory through several routes.
2. Have a clear knowledge of responsible water line maintenance.
3. Utilize the current recommendations for Prophylactic antibiotics for Cardiac and Orthopedic patients.
4. Diagnose and manage simple odontogenic infections
5. Know when to refer a patient with odontogenic infection
6. Have a better understanding of the different antibiotics available and their indications and contra indications.

Speaker: Glenn Maron, DDS, FACS

Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Residents, Students

ADA Member Dentist- $95
Non Member Dentist- $175
Hygienists & Assistants- $55
Residents- $55
Students- $35

Date & Time: Friday, May 16 | 3:00pm - 5:00pm

AGD Code: 148



Vine Divider



Dr. John Minichetti- Annual Convention

John Minichetti

S111 - Implant Treatment Planning Simplified: A Lecture and Hands On Exercise

CEUs: 4

Course Description: This course is designed for general dentists interested in learning how incorporate implants more easily into their daily practice. Patient evaluation, Diagnosis, CT Analysis Treatment Planning, Guided Surgery, Socket preservation and Bone grafting techniques will be discussed. Participants will learn how to diagnose extraction sites, learn about different types of bone grafting materials, learn socket grafting and learn other bone grafting techniques. Hands on bone grafting of sockets will be practiced on plastic models.

Course Objectives:
1. Learn how to treatment plan patients for dental implants.
2. Learn CT analysis and planning, guided surgery, flap designing, implant placement and Stage II uncover
3. Understand the differences between the various bone grafting materials.
4. Learn simple socket preservation techniques.
5. Review various bone grafting techniques for lateral ridge augmentation and sinus grafting

Speakers: John Minichetti, DMD

Audience: Dentists, Residents and Students

ADA Member Dentist- $345
Non Member Dentist- $495
Residents- $245
Students- $175

Date & Time: Saturday, May 17 | 9:00am - 1:00pm

AGD Code: 690



Vine Divider



Dr. Kevin Ortale- Annual Convention
Dr. Louis Malcmacher- Annual Convention

Kevin Ortale & Louis Malcmacher

S213 - The Next Generation Botox and Filler Treatments for Facial Esthetic Dentistry and TMJ/Orofacial Pain Therapy

CEUs: 3

Course Description: Join nearly 30,000 AAFE trained dentists and offer your patients Botox and dermal fillers, the most popular esthetic and therapeutic patient treatments in the world!  Dentists will see high definition video of advanced Botox, dermal fillers and solid filler PDO threads treatments for next generation esthetic and therapeutic uses including dental and facial esthetics, gummy smiles, lip enhancements, midface volumization for proper lip / smile lines, eliminate bruxism, relieve TMJ, and more!  You can make your patients look great and feel great while building your dream practice and getting paid what you are worth!  Botox and dermal fillers have changed the face of dentistry forever!

Course Objectives: After completing this activity, the participant should be able to:
1. Understand the next generation advanced uses of Botox and dermal fillers in dentistry
2. Evaluate potential patients for Botox and dermal filler therapy for the best therapeutic outcomes
3. Recognize the proper materials, techniques, and instrumentation necessary to deliver injectable therapy successfully

Speakers: Dr. Kevin Ortale, AAFE Faulty Member & Dr. Louis Malcmacher, AAFE President

Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Residents, Students

ADA Member Dentist- $345
Non Member Dentist- $495
Hygienists & Assistants- $155
Residents- $155
Students- $75

Date & Time: Saturday, May 17 | 9:30am - 12:30pm

AGD Code: 780

S214 - The Gum Builder Filler Shot To Reverse Gingival Recession, Hypersensitivity and Fill Black Triangles

CEUs: 2

Course Description: This course will show the pioneering Gum Builder Filler Injection, a new non-surgical, FDA cleared, scientifically based treatment to stabilize and reverse gingival recession, eliminate hypersensitivity, and fill black triangles! You will get up close and see amazing treatment videos of regenerative dermal filler treatment and observe the results. Gingival recession is the most undertreated disease process in dentistry. 92% of patients refuse to have gingival graft surgery. The Gum Builder is the #1 treatment for mild to moderate recession and alternative for severe recession. This is a high ROI treatment with CDT codes for dental insurance. Learn the Gum Builder shot today!

Course Objectives: After completing this activity, the participant should be better able to:
1. Understand how nonsurgical periodontal tissue regeneration works for treating gingival recession, filling black triangles and eliminating hypersensitivity.
2. See precision treatment to achieve the best esthetic and therapeutic outcomes with a regenerative dermal filler.
3. Integrate gum builder dermal filler therapy into the dental practice.

Speakers: Dr. Kevin Ortale, AAFE Faulty Member & Dr. Louis Malcmacher, AAFE President

Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Residents, Students

ADA Member Dentist- $195
Non Member Dentist- $295
Hygienists & Assistants- $95
Residents- $95
Students- $45

Date & Time: Saturday, May 17 | 1:30pm - 3:30pm

AGD Code: 490



Vine Divider



Gary Salman- Annual Convention

Gary Salman

F208 - Building a Ransomware Resilient Practice

CEUs: 1

Course Description: You have set up a great team of professionals at your practice and have been trusted with important data. But sometimes you need a specialist to take care of a critical issue - cybersecurity is one of those issues. During this presentation, we will discuss various techniques for safe browsing, email security, strong passwords, social media security, artificial intelligence (AI), password managers, multi-factor authentication, and much more.

Course Objectives: This presentation will give you the tools to adopt a proactive and comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, significantly reducing the risk of falling victim to ransomware and mitigate the potential damages associated with these malicious attacks. Learn how to equip yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary to protect your practice's data, reputation, and bottom line from the ever-evolving threat of ransomware attacks.

At the end of the presentation, you will have a better understanding of:
1. The importance of training your entire organization on how to recognize and avoid threats
2. The differences between a cybersecurity company and an IT company
3. How to protect yourself from a cyberattack by implementing technologies that your IT company is not providing
4. Analyze how hackers break into your network • Understand why small and medium-size practices are constantly falling victim to ransomware attacks
5. Distinguish why hackers are stealing ALL patient data
6. Determine why backups won’t prevent you from having to pay the ransom demand We will also review real-world case studies of practices hit by devastating ransomware attacks

Speaker: Gary Salman

Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Residents, Students

ADA Member Dentist- $95
Non Member Dentist- $175
Hygienists & Assistants- $55
Residents- $55
Students- $35

Date & Time: Friday, May 16 | 4:00pm - 5:00pm

AGD Code: 550



Vine Divider



Eyal Simchi- Annual Convention

Eyal Simchi

F207 - The Magic of Behavior Management

CEUs: 2

Course Description: In this innovative course, we explore the art and science of pediatric dentistry through the transformative power of magic. Designed for dental professionals working with young patients, this course equips you with creative strategies to manage dental anxiety and turn potentially stressful visits into enjoyable, engaging experiences. By incorporating elements of magic, illusion, and wonder, you will learn to captivate and calm children, fostering a sense of trust and cooperation during their dental care. Through hands-on demonstrations, examples and videos, you will develop practical skills to integrate magical techniques into your everyday practice, enhancing patient communication and behavior management.

Course Objectives:
1. Integrate Magic as a Behavior Management Tool: Learn how to effectively incorporate magic tricks and illusions into pediatric dental practice to reduce anxiety and improve patient cooperation during dental procedures.
2. Enhance Pediatric Patient Communication: Develop strategies to build rapport and engage young patients through playful, non-threatening interactions, fostering trust and making dental visits enjoyable.
3. Identify and Address Dental Anxiety in Children: Understand the psychological triggers of dental fear in children and apply magical techniques to help manage and alleviate anxiety, ensuring a positive experience for both the child and the caregiver.
4. Create Fun and Memorable Dental Visits: Design and implement a fun, patient-centered dental environment where children look forward to their visits, promoting long-term dental health and positive oral care habits.

Speaker: Eyal Simchi, DMD

Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Residents, Students

ADA Member Dentist- $125
Non Member Dentist- $195
Hygienists & Assistants- $75
Residents- $75
Students- $35

Date & Time: Friday, May 16 | 1:30pm - 3:30pm

AGD Code: 430



Vine Divider



Richard Wynn- Annual Convention

Richard Wynn

F104 - New Jersey Mandate: One Hour on Prescription Opioid Drugs

CEUs: 1

Course Description: Management of acute dental pain is accomplished through a clinical approach that successfully incorporates opioid and non-opioid analgesics. It is crucial for clinicians to accurately identify the need for pain control, individualize patient care and assess the efficacy of the analgesics prescribed. This program will provide participants with an overview of pain control and the effective management of acute dental pain. Using case scenarios, special emphasis is placed on appropriate prescribing practices for opioid and non-opioid analgesics.

Course Objectives:
1. Describe the pharmacology and mechanisms of action of non-opioid analgesics, as well as their potential for misuse.
2. Describe the pharmacology and mechanisms of action of opioid analgesics, as well as their potential for abuse.
3. Discuss appropriate prescribing practices for opioid and non-opioid analgesics to utilize in everyday clinical situations.

Speaker: Richard Wynn, PhD

Audience: Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Residents, Students

ADA Member Dentist- $55
Non Member Dentist- $95
Hygienists & Assistants- $35
Residents- $35
Students- $25

Date & Time: Friday, May 16 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm

AGD Code: 346

Vine Divider
exhibit floor

Exhibit Floor ONLY

Description: This pass is only for attendees who do NOT anticipate taking any CE courses. Breakfast and lunch are included. EXHIBIT FLOOR IS ONLY AVAILABLE ON FRIDAY.

ADA Member Dentist- $55
Non-Member Dentist- $100
Hygienists & Assistants- $35
Residents- $25
Students- $25

Date & Time: Friday, May 16 | 8:00am - 5:30pm