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NJDA InFocus- May 2024

In-Focus Printed Publication

The NJDA In-Focus print desk reference quarterly newsletter is a hit! The 6”x9” 4-color mailer will continue to share valuable content to dental practice staff in 2025. Each issue of this resource will focus on a different important practice topic.  NJDA InFocus is disseminated in February, May, August, and November.

Themes for In-Focus 2025

  • Untapped Member Resources 
  • Dentists and the Law
  • Technology
  • Insurance Assurance

Each issue will be mailed to 5,000 dentists in New Jersey. ONLY two advertising options are available in each 8-page printed issue.

Because this is NJDA’s return to a printed publication, we want to ensure our advertisers receive an overwhelming value for their advertising dollar. We’ve created an advertising package.

The In-Focus advertising package includes the following:

  • A choice of 1- print advertisement placement: FULL PAGE Inside Front Cover OR 1/2 Page Back Cover (opposite the mailing address). These are sold on a first purchase, first selection basis.
  • A banner ad on the NJDA website home page for 1-month. Month selection is based on availability. Includes a link to your website.
  • An advertisement in NJDA’s Monday Morning Email Alert. Bonus: inclusion in the following week in the Rewind section. Email distribution - 4,600 NJDA members with a 58% Open Rate.
  • An advertisement in NJDA’s Friday 5 Things Email. Email distribution – 4,000 non-members with a 30% Open Rate.
  • A digital version will live on the
The advertisement package is $2,500.00 and includes all of the above.
Please select the print advertisement that you are interested in purchasing
Please select the print advertisement issue that you are interested in purchasing

We will contact you within 48 hours of submission. Please note: Both advertisement options are full color. If your company is unable to provide your purchased advertisement, you can provide NJDA with the desired content & imagery, and we may create the advertisement on your behalf.

If you're experiencing issues with submitting this form, please reach out for assistance. You can contact us at