2025 NJDA PERK Provider Program Sponsorship Banner

Join a group of dental industry leaders who provide the best-in-class products or services, take customer service seriously and provide preferential pricing to NJDA members…become an NJDA PERKS PROVIDER.

The NJDA Perks program is a way to gain exposure in the New Jersey dental community. Our Perk providers are offered a wide variety of engagement opportunities as well as promotion on various communication platforms. This program is a partnership in providing resources and gaining exposure.

Where Valuable Resources MEET Member Engagement.

The NJDA agrees to:

  • List PERK Provider on an exclusive landing page on the NJDA website. Website content to be provided by the PERK provider and approved by the NJDA.
  • PERK Provider brand logo featured on the NJDA home page scroll bar.
  • Provide ongoing advertising to drive traffic to NJDA’s PERKS website page by way of social media, email communications and website advertising. This will include the use of a QR Code in various high-profile areas; disposable coffee cups, notepads and signage used at NJDA Headquarters.
  • Invite our PERK Providers to participate in an NJDA PERKS Leadership Brief. A 5-minute introduction to the NJDA Board of Trustees via zoom. Giving the PERK Provider an opportunity to introduce their product/service and the NJDA member exclusive discount.
  • Allow PERK Provider the use of the NJDA logo solely to promote the relationship on promotional and marketing materials. *Co-branding must be submitted for approval.
  • Provide updated Member Mailing Lists monthly.
  • An introduction to over 8,000 New Jersey Dentists. First, in NJDA's leading member communication newsletter that averages a 65% Open Rate then again in NJDA's successful nonmember email yielding a 46% Open Rate.
  • An invitation to sponsor two of 12 local component Officer Visitation in-person meetings.
  • Provide a 10% or more discount on optional advertising or sponsorship. *Does not apply to NJDA’s In-Focus Print Package.

The PERK Provider agrees to:

  • Provide an agreed upon exclusive discount for all NJDA members.
  • Establish a means to confirm NJDA membership before providing discounts. And agrees to provide the NJDA with a quarterly report outlining and quantifying the services provided to NJDA members. This information should include the dentist’s name, city, purchased products/ services.
  • Provide messaging to support quarterly advertisements, promotional materials, or social media posts.
  • Share product and service offers for successful ongoing branding and messaging.
  • Attend and sponsor two local component meetings (NJDA Officer Visitations) in-person programs.
  • Support NJDA’s Annual Convention with the purchase of an exhibit space (discounted $250) or sponsorship (discounted 10%).
  • Pay the New Jersey Dental Association agreed upon revenues as established in our agreement.

For more information complete and submit the below form.


If you're experiencing issues with submitting this form, please reach out for assistance. You can contact us at conference@njda.org.